Is college worth it in 2022? (I drop out.)
In this article, I’m going to talk about the story of a young man who is going to drop out his college in Japan.
Hello everyone, I’m KZ from Japan, and today’s episode is about my personal story. I was a student who is learning business at college. But I make a decision to drop out my college in Japan. This article is for people who think they want to drop out their college or people who have a doubt about whether going to the university is worth it in 2022. So let’s get started.
1. The Japanese economy is getting worse
Sad truth. The Japanese economy is over. Salary is terrible and we don’t have a work-life balance in Japan. It’s difficult to succeed if you keep hustling in Japan. So I’m going to change my environment. Furthermore, I don’t like the peer pressure in Japan. If you are not fit the Japanese standard, some people will treat you like an idiot. Man, I really hate this atmosphere.
2. Japan’s population is getting down
This is the biggest reason for dropping out of college in Japan. Ellon mask mentioned this problem on his Twitter.
I’m living in Japan now and I really feel the crisis about this problem. Most Japanese are distracted from this problem. They still think Japan is getting better in the future. But I don’t really think so. We need to hustle. Even the smartest college student in Japan can’t speak English. Most Japanese hustle the wrong way. We need to work smart not hard. We need to think about college values, especially in Japan. Most Japanese think graduate a good college means getting a good job. This formula is collapsed. I think we need to focus on skills, not good grades at college. Because once you jump into the society of capitalism there is no answer. We need to find our own answer to wealth. Most people especially the Japanese ignore this problem. So that’s why I’m dropping out of college. I wanna be free from money, work, and place.
3. Making things in English is more fun for me
Using English provides me with tons of dreams. You can get a chance to go to Hollywood and become an actor or make a cool app and become the next Mark Zerkerburg if you can speak English. Maybe Charlie D.malio not going to be the most famous TikToker in the world if they use Japanese. English has a huge power more than you think. So I think that was awesome for me and I’m making my own digital fashion brand in English. If you’re interested check out my Instagram and Twitter.
4. Feeling uncomfortable living in Japan
We are living in the world of the internet. This means we can make money from the internet and make a decision easier on where to live. From my experience, I don’t like the atmosphere of living in Japan, peer pressure, the working environment, and others. I’m not hostile to Japan, because there are many cool cultures, foods, and more! It’s just not fitting to me.
5. For my dream.
I have many dreams in my life. Making music, traveling all over the world, making my own business, and more. I want to fulfill my dream. We have the word called “American dream”. Is that impossible for non-native English speakers from Japan and only a 19-years-old young man? I probably don’t think so. If I hustle smart maybe I can do it. I’m just following my passion. I wanna talk in English more fluently so I spend almost 1 year speaking English. And I become a little bit more confident about speaking English. So it’s like a game, set your goal, do some action, and receive the goal. It takes maybe a bunch of time, but if I keep my effort consistently, I can maybe achieve it.
What I’m going to do in the future?
I’m planning to go to study abroad in Europe and study Computer Science and focus on making my own digital fashion brand. I’m very exciting this year because I’m like controlling my own life. But the problem is I’m going to do this stuff with no money. So if you want to support me, subscribe to my medium, youtube, or other social media, and this will be going to my huge motivation. I’m very happy to show you guys my experience and give me some comments about the value of going to a university in your country.
Thank you for reading and see you in the next article.
See, ya!
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