What I learn from Journaling 2 years

In this article, I’m going to show you guys my 2 years of journaling and what I learn from them.

Kazuma Komura
4 min readAug 12, 2022
Photo by lilartsy from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-writing-on-notebook-while-holding-coffee-mug-3278757/

Hello everyone. I’m KZ and today’s episode is about journaling. I start Journaling when I was in 17 years old because I need to pass the university exam in japan. Maybe you don’t know that university exam in Japan is very stressful event in japan. People need to study a bonch of time if they want to go to a good university. In Japan we have a hidden rule call “Gakureki”. In Japan most people think being rich needs to have a strong educational background. But I have a huge thought in my mind. Is this common sense is truth? There are many rich people even though they don’t have educational background. I have a doubt remembering history is useful to be rich? So I educate myself that the school most not tell me. And I learn the power of journaling. So I start journaling. This gave me tons of beanifits so today I’m going to show you guys what I learn from journaling in 2 years.

This article is people who are wondering is journaling is a useful tips or people who wants to improve their mental.

1. Helps me not to be a perfectionism

Perfectionism was a bad habit for my life. I was a very nervous guy to do something. If I don’t feel this stuff don’t wanna gone perfect, I will never try that. And I lost of tons of opportunities to do. Journalism give me a perspective view in my mind like “Well maybe my life is not suck too much”. And it helps me don’t be afraid to do something. Well I do tons of fail in my life . I’m probably lost my many friends because I do many new things. For my example I was making a Tiktok for about health in Japanese but it actually didn’t work. So I quit and now writing a blog and making youtube in English. This is a game changing tip in my life. But I will not do this even I don’t have a habit of journaling. For about me Youtube and my blog is kind of documenting about my life. So it actually help me to write a blog and making youtube more faster. It’s kind of training to document your life.

2. Give me a good sleep.

I sometime can’t get sleep because I do some overthink in night. I sometime being nervous about my future, money problem, relationship, and more. So I write about that in my note before going to sleep. It’s like detoxing my thought. Journaling is like a tool to portect your mental health. Before I was starting Journaling I thought this tip will not work for me. But it actually work for me. “Wow, this is cool bro”. It stop overthinking in night and provides me a good sleep. Maybe you should do it too, if you have a trouble of sleep.

3. Helps my English.

When I was 17, I was only journaling in Japanese. But when it became 2022 I start journaling in English because I thought English is a huge skill. And it really works to improve my English skill. That’s why I’m writing a blog in medium. This experience gives me tons of benifit in my life. If you want to improve your English skill check out my article from here.

4. Helps my conversation

Making a little talk with people makes you a good relationship. For my example joining into the twitter space is training of having a conversation that you never had met in your life. If you have ever join into the twitter space, it’s really fun so try to jump in! So why journaling will actually helps your conversation? Well sometime you need to tell your story about your life or your day. Journaling will helps your storytelling ability. Storytelling is a very important skill in 2022. Successful people in the internet are very good storyteller. For example, Emma Chamberlain, 11.4m subscriber in her youtube is good storyteller if don’t have listen her podcast, listen to that. It will mindblow. Ali Abdall 3.4m subscriber in his Youtube channel is a good storyteller too. His youtube is really easy to listen for non-native English speaker like me. Whatever, journaling will actually helps your soft-skill so maybe you should try it.

In conclusion

Journaling is like a tool to protect your life. Maybe. I’m going to use “maybe” because, I’m not a doctor so I can not guarantee your mental problem. Whatever, enjoy your journaling and see you to the next article!

Thanks for reading! Bye!



Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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