How to stop overwhelming by this weird method

Stop overwhelming by this weird method called “ The Sharp AXE Method.”

Kazuma Komura
6 min readOct 4, 2022
Photo by Dastan Khdir at Pexels

We are living in an insane world.

Once you open your smartphone, the notification bell will ding the sound every time.

Many cool people are showing their Ferrari on Instagram.

Many people are making 30-second videos to pay attention to their audience and we keep scrolling our phones.

Photo by Dominika Roseclay at Pexels

Have you sometimes felt overwhelmed by this society? Well, if you are a person like me, this article is for you. So in this article, I will explain how to stop overwhelming with this weird method called “The Sharp Axe Method”.

What’s the trouble with overwhelming?

Well, there is some interesting research that is from Baba Shiv. Baba Shiv is a marketing Professor and an expert in neuroeconomics.

What’s neuroeconomics?

It is the field of study that combines economics with psychology.

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We have a simple research. He gathers some people and separates them into two groups. One group is given a task to remember 2 digits of numbers and the other group is to remember 7 digits of numbers.

After that, they go to the other room for a test they still remember the number.

But they give them noisy sounds to bother what they remember while they move to the next room.

After they finish the test, one woman joins the room with a bunch of snacks.

Photo by SplitShire:

So what do they want to do?

Well, there are some interesting results. People who are trying to remember 7 digits of the number are picking up some unhealthy snacks such as chocolate bars or cookies.

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But the other side people who are remembering 2 digits of the number pick up healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables.

So the people who are choosing bad habits are just lazy?

Well, the answer is no. This is a brain problem. We have two functions in our brains. Rational Prefrontal Cortex and Emotional limbic system. Let’s call the former RPC and the latter ELS.

In this test, when people are remembering numbers, they use their RPC. And when they make a decision on which snack they’re choosing they use ELS.

We have an interaction between these two brain functions. So when people use RPC to remember the complicated task, the ELS are working weakly. That’s the reason people who remember 7 digits of the number are being weak for healthy decisions.

What we can learn from this research?

It’s absolutely simple. Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed cause you a lot of problem in your life. Your health decision, relationship, or other stuff. So how we can avoid it?

But what’s cool about Baba Shiv’s research is making these hard decisions it’s not a matter of discipline. It’s also a matter of being completely overloaded.

5 steps to get less overwhelmed.

We call this method The sharp Axe Method.

1. Take a bit of control of your environment.

For example,

・Clean your room, desk, and kitchen.

・Delete some social media and make it clear from your phone.

・ Focus on your breath

・Name 5 things that you can hear, see, touch, smell & taste.

Try to clean your environment and be a little bit comfortable for yourself. You preparing for focusing to the next step. It’s like a warm-up.

2. Write the to-do list that you want to do in your future

Write about what you want to do that help your future. For example,

・ Recording a podcast

・ Making TikTok video

・ Build up a website

・ Learn about dropshipping

・ Try making Youtube

・ Plan to live in the other country

・ Learn a new language

・ Trying to investing your money

Write about what you need to do as much as you can. It’s like detoxing your thought. One kind of journaling and making your thought clear.

3. Catorgorlize

As you write as possible could next step is categorizing. I’m going to tell you 2 types of categorizing. You can optimize your thought with these 2 types of categorizing.

Type 1 Eisenhower matrix

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Draw a Y-axis and X-axis and categorize them into 4 sections. Categorize in “Do the schedule”, “Delegate it”, “Schedule it”, and “Delete it”. I categorize my task into 4 types like the graph I’m showing.

Type 2 Look like a Group

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This one is simple. You just categorize what it looks like. For example, I can categorize my thought into 4 different groups. Media, Little Business, Money, and Learning.

4. Schedule

Let’s figure out how long it takes.

I’m going to tell you some rules when you schedule.

Rule 1 If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately.

Rule 2 Plan visually on a calendar

Rule 3 Put in the Date that never moves first

Rule 4 Make a cheating day

Rule 5 Measure the time you think it’s going to take double the time.

The last one is more important than you think. Humans sometimes think more excellently than we think. I know because I‘m one of the dreaming young men but we need to sometime recognize the reality. So plan like an average person.

This is the example

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5. Just do it.

This is an annoying true Nike slogan. This is the reason I write this blog post. I’m doing my schedule right now I’m going to absolutely finish it when I finish writing this blog post. If you’re a lazy person like me, show your work on the internet while you are studying. That’s why I’m writing this blog bro. If want you to know more about the power of showing your work on the internet check out this blog post.

In conclusion

This is the Sharp Axe method. The method sounds weird but it’s all about the structure to avoid overwhelming and burnout. What’s your favorite structure to plan your day? I’m very happy to share your story!

Thank you for reading and see you in the next article. See ya!

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Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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