Let’s make your life a little bit more fun with gamification.

How to make your life like a game using little game techniques. Let’s make your life a little bit more fun with gamification.

Kazuma Komura
4 min readAug 31, 2022
Photo by Regina Jane: https://www.pexels.com/photo/1824649/

Hello to everybody! I’m KZ. I’m a 20-year-old Japanese writer, and this post is about how to turn life into a game. Played any video games before? I loved playing games in elementary school. I spend about two to three hours every day glued to the screen. When I was 20 years old, I questioned why we spend so much time playing video games. Can I apply this in my daily life?

This article is for people who want to improve their health or wealth, or for students who want to get a good score on their test or from their sports career. Whatever let’s started!

1. Epic Meaning and Calling

This advice is equivalent to calling what you are doing more spectacular. For example, if you’re blogging like I do, you might describe yourself as “one of the coolest bloggers on the globe.” While training or doing that sort of stuff, you can give yourself any name. ( You can name yourself a wizard if you are practicing black magic. Lol )

2. Development & Accomplishment

The reason we like video games is that they have a system called “level up”. Hearing the ding bell and feeling that you’re making progress. Maybe this is the most reason I couldn’t stop playing games. So how do we use this tip in our life? What we can do is corporate our idea into the accomplishment that we are doing. For example, measure your time, track how long you solve your math question, and compete yourself if you’re studying math. I like designing sneakers so I set a goal that I design my own sneaker in my sketchbook in 1 week.

3. Empowerment of creativity and Feedback.

When we are defeated by the boss like 100 times, we always think about the next strategy to beat the boss. We are using our creativity while we are thinking about this. And you can get your feedback quickly because the result is beating the boss or not. So ask yourself when you try to do something, how to be more creative with this, how to get feedback more quickly. Like if you’re making Youtube, see the analytics and make your own feedback to improve your video, or learn video editing and make a creative video.

4. Make a short-term loop Feedback

Once is your goal going to be long-term, maybe you feel of lack of motivation. In my experience, it takes 4 months to build 100 followers. It was a very long-term of building my audience. The reason I could keep writing was that I only focused on my work quality. I was always thinking about where’s my niche or how to provide good content to the audience. That’s my short-term feedback. Every business, skill, whatever, it is going to be long-term. Sometimes you need feedback in the short term to keep your motivation. If you have a test in 6 months, test yourself each 2 weeks. Keep trying!

5. Ownership and Possession

How do you feel if someone deleted the game data that you put all your time in your life? I will scream and lose control. When people do some boring stuff that you need to do, they want to finish it faster than they can. I know all of you guys( of course me) hate boring stuff. Like me, I was struggling with what to write about in my blog. But learning from this tip, I think it’s important to take more responsibility for your boring stuff. It maybe takes a long time like me, but if you figure out the solution, it’s going to be more easy and more fun. So if you want to start from a little thing, write a blog or make Youtube like me. I know maybe your first step is going small but if you keep growing it’s going to be a huge step after you see. And maybe you will love what you are doing like growing your own character in your game.

6. Social influence and relatedness

Have you ever felt to share stuff that you really like to do? For example, I like training with my friends when I was in high school. So what I want to say is if you want things that you want to do like making money online or getting good grades in school, involve or influence other people. For instance, write a blog and try to help people, and find friends to practice with each other. Connecting with friends that you really like to do is it more way easy to build a relationship with complete strangers.

7. Unpredictability and Curiosity

Games are made very well. They spark your curiosity. For instance, mysterious dungeons, secret missions, and more. Curiosity has huge power to grow yourself. Don’t ignore your curiosity. If you’re interested in Youtube, become a Youtuber, or you like to write a blog, go for it. I think curiosity is a huge value in my life. So how do be curious? For example, read a book that you never read or start going to the gym, or learn a new language like me. We have many opportunities to find your passion.

In conclusion

Learning gamification was so interesting topic to learn. You can use these tips in your business or your diet, exercise, all in your life.

Thank you everyone for reading my article and see you next.



How To Turn Your Life Into A Video Game — YouTube

Amazon.com: Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards eBook: Chou, Yu-kai: Kindle Store



Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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