Best 4Language app for beginners

Learning language is the most easy investment in your life and have a humoungous power. In this article I’m going to show you guys what is the best app for learning a new language for begninners.

Kazuma Komura
3 min readAug 15, 2022
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels:


Some people say Duolingo are suck but I really don’t think so. It’s easy to learn speaking, writing, listening, and reading. But you must not truely depend on this app because this app is for begineers and if you want to go to the next level, you need to combine other app or method. Whatever, Duolingo is the easiest way to start learning a new language. I use Duolingo with my notebook. When they give me a key phrase, I wrote down in my notebook and repeat the word I learn. This is my example when I learning Spanish.

Left side is the Spanish Language I learn and I translate in English. ( Sorry for the messy note lol. ) But whatever, combining app with traditional studying strategy is providing you a huge growth in your language learning.


Listening a podcast is easy way to improve your Language skill. But I will recommend not only listening podcast. The best way to improve your language skill through podcast is dictation. Dictation is the most effective solution to improve your language. But if you want to do this, you need to have a stock of words in your language so this will be like a level2. However you need to make your ear get to used to the language so I hope you guys to listen some podcast. There are bounch of language learning podcast so figure out your favorite one.


Reverso is a translating app. So you can use it when you don’t know the word you want to translate in. The difference of the Google translation is they give you some example sentence. This function is very useful when you want to learn the word and the example sentence because when you need to use the word in daily life, you need to learn the sentence. Most difficult thing when you learn language is the output. Input and the output is totally different. Most finish their language learning only in input and they thought they understand it. But it’s not. For my example, I was learning English in middle school and high school but I can’t speak english until I start focusing on speaking this year. So if you learn some vocabulary, do some output. For example, make a podcast or write a blog or make some friends and try some conversation with them.

Hello talk

Hello talk is online platform to connect easly to other foreign country. I start this app few days ago so I don’t know much about this app so I will write the review in the other article. But many people reccomend this app. They say it is easy to make friends and practice your speaking and writing. So if you have some comment about this app, share to us! I’m very appreciate to know about your thoughts!

In conclusion

Language app is only a tool to improve your language skill. There are bounch of solution to develop your language skill. If you have some own way to improve language skill share in our comment! I’m very happy guys to share this topic to you and see you to the next article!

See ya!



Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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