5 tips to manage your time

Kazuma Komura
4 min readJul 16, 2022


People think that we don’t have time these days(Of course me).

But after I learned some time management tips and did it for a couple of months, my mindset changed slightly. So in this article, I’m going to show you 10 tips to manage your time. If you feel lacking time this article will help you!

1. We own all of our time.

My parent always forces me to do something. I hate going to cram school because I didn’t know why I need to study a lot. One more thing I hate about cram school is while I going to study at cram school, my parents were just watching TV and eating some snacks. Most Japanese parents like to force their children to study, but most parents don’t study for themselves. I hate that. But after I learn to say no, it changes my life. Saying no means protecting your time. Our decision is our life. Anyone can’t bother your decision but some people are very easy to sweep away by the atmosphere. Of course me too. So I make a little system for myself. I call hell yeah or not. (Because the author says it lol). If you don’t feel like doing that thing for someone, reject that event and make your time for yourself. I do this trip when I wonder if I should do this. almost 70% I reject because I want to make time to make my own business. So If you wonder to do something try to do this tip.

2. Make a daily highlight

It’s really simple. Choose one thing you want to do in your day. For example, I like making 3D digital art because it’s my passion, so I always spend at least 15 minutes practicing 3D art. You don’t need to do many things. Some people think if you need to be successful you need to do a bunch of stuff. This is half true and half wrong. I make an article for these reasons so check it out!

Moving forward, this routine will be a motivation for your day and entire life. It’s like a little present for your day. We all do hard work these days. It’s ok to give you a little present for yourself.

3. Protected time

You need to start a business if you want to be free from work, place, and money. But you need to make a time that nobody disturbs you. For my example. I put my smartphone in my lock box like this.

This is the most awesome shopping in 2021. We are all lazy humans, so this will force you not to touch your smartphone at night. My protected time is 8 pm ~10 am. This time I don’t connect with other people. I listen to my favorite music, shut down my SNS, write some blogs, and relax. Nobody can’t disturb me, and I love this time. If you want to feel impatience in your life, take some time that nobody can’t disturb you this will make your life better.

4. Parkinson’s Law

Work expands to fill the time that we allocate it.

Ali Abdaal the 3.1 million Youtuber explains Parkison’s Law with this word. So what do we need to do? Making a small deadline will help your life. For my example, I make a little deadline when I write this article. I always keep a deadline to make 1 chapter every day and do it consistently. Sometimes it’s not working but I’m keeping my effort. I feel an accomplishment when I reach this goal, that is why I can move forward. I’m not a native English speaker, I’m just a 19-year-old kid. Well I hope this will help you.

5. Meditation

This is the most useful for time management. We feel impatient these days. I don’t know why but we feel very tired in this social. Most people recommend meditation for your mental health. But I think the most strong point is the time management. You can control your life because meditation is like a self awareness. You can see yourself from the top of the view. If you can see yourself from the different view you can know what you need to do. This will help your goal. Meditation is not for spiritual people. It’s like a training to fix your mental.

Thank you guys for watching a see you to the next article.



Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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