4 things I Love and Hate about Japan
Hello, everyone! I’m Kazu! 19 years old, content creator and becoming a computer science degree student at Europe. Today I’m going to talk about 5 things that I Love and hate about Japan.
Before I’m talking about this, I want to say I’m not offending Japan. I want to tell the truth because I want to help people not be confused when you come to Japan.
If you want to travel to Japan or live in Japan, this article will help you!
If you want to see the full episode on youtube, you can jump from here!
What I love about living in Japan.
1. Food culture
Food quality is the biggest reason I live in Japan. Sushi, miso soup, tofu, all you name it. It’s really healthy and delicious! My favorite Japanese food is definitely miso soup. Miso is a kind of fermented bean and you can liquefy it with hot water! You can make it easy and it’s really healthy! I’m absolutely a miso soup fan. I lost 10 pounds after I live in Japan, accounting for the Japanese food.
2. Transportation
In other countries, the bus or train will not come at the right time. But if you live in Japan, this habit will change you. When the bus or train becomes late more than two minutes, they always give you an announcement and apologize to you! Most people say, “Wow! Why you are so kind!”. But this is a very natural culture. So if you follow your map on your smartphone you can get to that place at the correct time! Don’t you think that is awesome!?
3. Unique culture
Most people love manga and anime these days. And that’s true! My first anime was Naruto. I’m absolutely a Naruto fan. I told my story to my friend from Spain. But he said that most people are been bored to watch kind of hero anime template. Wow! I didn’t know that! Tell me your favorite anime in the comment or on my Twitter!
Truly, most Japanese like anime and manga and most people got inspiration from manga or anime.
4. Customer service
When I invite my friends from Spain to the dinner, he was so satisfied with the service. He said, “Why Japanese services are so awesome.” I thought this was common all over the world. And I tell him, “I think this is usually.” After that, he said, “ You should be proud of this culture”. So I’m going to talk about this! Most employees in Japan are trained like a soldier ( I’m just kidding). We don’t like to cause problems in Japan. So what we are going to do is show sincerity to customers. We think that is normal. But I didn’t think this was so particular. So you don’t need to worry about the quality of customer service. Just enjoy the service!
What I hate about living in Japan.
1. Overwork
Japanese is a very hard workers. But they don’t have freedom which means time, financial, and mental. They’re like a slave. If you want to be free from your place or work. You need to work for yourself. Japanese is very weak at this point. They don’t like to use their brain. This is why the Japanese economy is getting down. Which means it’s over. I won’t recommend you to work in Japan. It’s fucking terrible.
2. Conservatism
Most people hate to challenge in Japan. So what will happen to this culture? Hazing incident is very usual and there is the culture we call “Gaijin”. Most people call foreign people with this world. There are some stereotypes that the Japanese are racist. Not everyone but this is actually true. Because Japan was a closed country in the past. But most people are kind if you’re a tourist. So most people will help you, but if you live there, you will not feel comfortable in this culture.
3. Lookism
Some people in Japan don’t like outstanding people. Such as curly hair or foreign people. That’s why we have a stereotype that Asians are racist. I’m going to say again that I’m not offending the Japanese. I want to tell the truth and help people to enjoy Japan.
Coming back to the story, we have some beauty standards. If you do not fit into this beauty standard people treat you like an awful person. Japanese society is really complicated.
4. Age respect
This is a really suck culture. If you meet people more than you older 1 year, you need to change your language more complicated, whatever the person’s personality. This is really uncomfortable. I want to respect people for what they did. Not the age. This is really ridiculous. Furthermore, most income in Japan is related to their age. Not their knowledge. This is why the Japanese economy is over.
Japan has both negative and positive sides. So it’s going to be tough to live. However, enjoying Japanese culture is awesome, so I hope to everyone enjoy Japan! Thank you for reading! Oops! I didn’t tell some more secret about Japan. So if you want to see the full episode, check it out on my Youtube Channel!