3 easy app to improve your productivity

Kazuma Komura
2 min readAug 19, 2022


In this article I’m going to show you guys how to improve your life with these easy app.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-pro-beside-white-ipad-4158/

Hello everyone! I’m KZ and today article is about productivity. Nowadays we live in busy days. Maybe some people feel they don’t have time and want to improve your productivity. In my opinion learning to be productivity is easiest way to invest yourself. The most biggest investment is education. So in this article I’m going to share the best app to make your life a little bit productive.

1. Productive
This app is for people who don’t have any idea to make a good habit. They have many suggestion to start a good day. For instance, drinking a water, learning new language, doing exercise etc. If you’re a lazy human, just download the app. You can build your good habit and make your life more productive.

2. Notion
Notion is app for making to do list or sharing your work or like making a cool personal space. You can show this platform to public so if you want to share your productive system you can do it! Furthermore, you can sell your productive system in online. This call notion template so you can make a passive income through your productivity! Wow sounds awesome!

This is my best app to start journaling. It is really easy to journal and why I love this app because you can look back your note easliy. Sometime the fun part of journaling is looking back your note. Sometime looking stupid, shame, or funny. But whatever journaling have a humongous power in your life. If you want to learn about journaling check out this article!

In conclusion

Well don’t be frustrated about being productive. These app is for making your life a little bit easy so if you feel overwhelmed while using this app, stop using and take care about yourself. Thank you for reading this article and see you to the next video.

See ya!



Kazuma Komura
Kazuma Komura

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